Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blargh and Papercraft

I just started working on Deoxys again and he's looking fucking awesome. There isn't a whole lot going on right now, although I think I have convinced my parents to get me an airsoft P90. =D I finally was able to edit and upload my collection, (after forever) and I'm hoping to get some sort of video up soon. I have been doing a crapload of Minecraft and just got Portal 2, (IT IS SO FRIKKING AWESOME) but haven't been able to play the singleplayer because my dad seems to need to watch baseball every damn time I decide to play. That's really all for now, sorry it was so boring =P. See you guys later.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Delay's and more Goddamn Delay's (but my grades are good)

Well I've officially gone crazy, I'm editing (trying to) my collection video and I import the clips and guess what? Yes, it crashes after all I do is bring in the clips. However I will try to get one up by at least tomorrow. Also I've been working on Minecraft for a while and I found out a way to simulate fluorescent lights in the way they turn on. (each one is delayed) I might record that using frapps, edit it, and upload it all from my friend's computer because I'm 99.9% sure that it would not work on this damned thing. Contrary to the mood of the paragraph thing's are actually quite awesome. I have a few new cubes, (like the master skewb which is awesome) I'm back into programming, and my grades are almost straight A's. It's been a pleasure and I hope to speak to you all soon. Adios!

My Youtube Page

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Aliquam ut elit a metus lobortis euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut in fringilla tellus. Aenean tempus sollicitudin arcu ac scelerisque. Mauris sapien magna, vulputate a imperdiet vitae, varius sed ante. Morbi dui erat, tincidunt eu tincidunt quis, scelerisque sed metus. Quisque volutpat iaculis elementum. Morbi in ullamcorper lacus. Vivamus ultricies lacus non risus placerat sit amet lobortis est aliquet. Phasellus quis ante ante, ut facilisis lacus. Duis bibendum blandit porttitor. Suspendisse scelerisque erat at lectus iaculis blandit. Donec erat risus, tempor in aliquet sit amet, venenatis vel risus. Etiam gravida dignissim velit, eget aliquam enim cursus porta. Vivamus id mi nec leo lobortis accumsan sit amet ac lorem. Sed posuere ante et nulla condimentum auctor.
Suspendisse nibh nisl, interdum non auctor ut, sagittis vitae diam. Fusce eleifend, orci vel lacinia laoreet, purus nibh dapibus dui, id lacinia mi justo condimentum elit. Nullam vel bibendum justo. Praesent sed quam urna, at facilisis lorem. Suspendisse mollis varius arcu at egestas. Nullam bibendum egestas mauris, vel rutrum lectus laoreet at. Sed vel mauris ligula, in pellentesque tortor. Praesent molestie, mauris non aliquam auctor, risus massa sagittis tellus, ut placerat libero mi vitae nisl. Integer lorem libero, lobortis ac commodo vitae, egestas at mi. Aliquam lacinia turpis et leo ornare venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed sapien lectus, vel condimentum libero. Donec cursus blandit turpis, sit amet varius justo vestibulum ac. Aenean sed elit id nulla bibendum scelerisque. Proin facilisis fermentum aliquet. Curabitur faucibus lectus ut turpis rhoncus vehicula. Nam fermentum congue purus, pharetra bibendum velit aliquet eu. Donec non magna sed tellus congue convallis. Vivamus posuere pellentesque iaculis.
btw new vid up The Art of Papercraft

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

Scuba diving is absolutely awesome! We finally got in the water today and it's really weird trying to get used to breathing underwater, but it is insane. After a few more pool dives we're going to Monterey (cold as hell) to get ocean dives. Once we're completely certified we are going to Florida for a dive trip.
On a cubing note I got my Vulcano (Trignis) and solved it around five minutes out of the box. I also have a Rex cube demo solve  up that Heiowge requested. Next I'll finally have a papercraft video up and everybody shall be happy. =D

Monday, January 3, 2011

New vids 'n stuff

I put up a few videos on new years (two solves and a vid of my "party") and I'm hoping to get a really good one up soon. I also ordered a vulcano for Christmas so I'm hoping it comes soon. I finally printed out the madcat, but I just realized that I haven't even started on the AT-ST. I also got a stackmat, which is pretty cool but I don't really need it. And finally I got a 1:15.56 time with my helicopter cube, I'm getting pretty good with it and I might be able to break a minute within a month, please follow me to stay posted.

My Youtube page